B i o g r a p h y
Tomàs was born in Barcelona and began his musical studies at the Escolania de Montserrat, conducted by Ireneu Segarra. He continued his studies at the Conservatori Superior Municipal de Música and the Conservatori del Liceu de Barcelona, taking Sound Technician studies and Teaching Career at the same time.
His solid choir training lead him to win 1st prize at the 44th edition of the Concurso Permanente de Juventudes Musicales de España in 1995, He studied singing with Pau Bordas and Dalmau Gonzalez, Carlos Chausson, masterclass with Kurt Widmer and lied with Dolors Aldea.
Although he is a specialist in ancient music, his repertoire also includes contemporary music. He has sung under conductors Graeme Jenkins, Jordi Casas, Arthur Fagen, Jean-Marc Andrieu, Manel Valdivieso, Lluís Vila, Peter Phillips, Bruno Turner or Andrew Carwood. He has also worked closely with specialist ensembles of early music like Música Ficta, Capella de Ministrers, Voces de Al Ayre Español, Tasto Solo, Ratas del Viejo Mundo, Graindelavoix, Musica Reservata de Barcelona, Harmonia del Parnàs, The Josquin Circle, Club Medieval, Resonet, Ars Nova Barcelona, La Xantria.
He sang Carmina Burana by Carl Orff, Messiah by Haendel, Membra Jesu Nostri by Buxtehude, some Cantatas and the role of Jesús at the Matthäus Passion by J. S. Bach, Jesús, Markuspassion by R. Keiser, Thamos, König in Ägypten, Missa Solemnis, Coronation Mass and Requiem by Mozart, Die sieben letzten worte unseres erlösers am kreuze by Haydn, Requiem für Mignon by Schumann, Requiem of Fauré, Requiem by Duruflé, Magnificat, Salm 115 op.31 by F. Mendelssohn, cantata TWV1:58 by Telemann, Stimmnun by Stockhaussen, Der Ozeanflug by Kurt Weill. He has also performed as Avi Castellet in Cançó d'Amor i de Guerra of Martínez i Valls, as Sargente, La Bohème by Puccini, Dido in Dido and Aeneas by Purcel.
He sang at Festival de Música y Danza de Granada (1996, 1999 & 2007), Festival de Música Antigua de Cuenca (1999), GREC Festival in Barcelona (2002), Music Festival of Kuhmo (2003), 33 edition of Festival de Ópera de Tenerife (2004), Oslo Kammermusikk Festival (2007), Festival Mozart d’A Coruña (2007), Musikfest Berlin (2010), Festival Transamerican de Montreal (2012), Berliner Fiestpiele (2012, 2018), Ruhrtriennale (2013), Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht (2017, 2018), Laus Polyphoniae (2019)
He has recorded for companies such as Cantus, Glossa, Enchiriadis, Klara, Ramée, Columna Música or La mà de Guido and for radios such as Radio Nacional de España, Group Radio France or Catalunya Música.
Revised text by Núria de Salvador

Photo: @ josemanuelalorda (Belgium)